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2023 Project - Auditorium lighting
In 2023, we were able to make a significant upgrade to the auditorium lighting. When the theatre was built in 1941, it was specifically intended for showing movies. As a result, there was little need for general lighting. This year we added ceiling lighting in the auditorium to better support non-movie events.
Also this year, the building exterior was painted and we updated the cinema projection system. The old digital file server (installed in 2012) was no longer covered under warranty and service parts were discontinued. The update was necessary to avoid failures during movie showings.
2022 Projects - Maintenance
In 2022, there were no planned major projects. The 2021 building purchase required us to deplete our capital improvement fund. However, there were some major maintenance expenses.
- The roof (which was completed in 2008) needed repairs. Specifically, the back side of our front facade wall had some deteriorating block and mortar. This allowed rainwater to seep under the roofing material and leak into the building. The damaged blocks were replaced and properly sealed.
- The auditorium air conditioning (which was completed in 2013) needed a new controller.
- The first floor water heater needed to be replaced.
2021 Project - Building Purchase
The COVID-19 shutdown continued into 2021. All told, the Penn was closed for 14 months between 2020 and 2021. During this time, Friends of the Penn took the opportunity to focus on the future. After leasing the building for 15 years, the non-profit Friends of the Penn purchased the Penn Theatre on December 30, 2021.
2020 Projects - Handrails and Basement Sump
2020 was a difficult time for the Penn and for theatres in general. In March, we were forced to close due to COVID-19. Without knowing how long the shutdown would last, we adjusted our spending and project plans to conserve our resources. As a result, our updates were very modest.
There were never handrails in the auditorium rear exits, so we added them in 2020 to make it easier for our patrons to negotiate the sloped floor. We also had a sump pump failure and took the opportunity to install a back-up system when the new pump was installed.
2019 Project - Emergency Exit Lighting
The Penn always had emergency lighting in the auditorium. However, the lights and batteries were old and would only offer exit lighting for a short time. The newer LED fixtures provide illumination much longer, providing more time for to evacuate the building in the event of a power outage. We also added emergency lighting in the basement and second floor staff areas where previously there was none.
2018 Project - Lobby and Second Floor HVAC
Prior to 2018, the Penn never had proper heating and air conditioning in the lobby. When the movies would begin and the doors were closed, the lobby would become very cold (in the winter) or very warm (in the summer.) This year, we teamed up with Conti Corporation again for a major HVAC project. We installed a new heat exchanger and air handler for the lobby, ran all new ductwork (which required the removal of the lobby ceiling), and installed a new AC condenser unit on the roof. The new system was completed just in time to beat the summer heat and has dramatically improved the comfort of our patrons and staff.
The second floor of the Penn consists of an office, restroom, projection booth, kitchen, and storage area. We had similar issues with heating and cooling of those areas (too cold in the winter and too warm in the summer.) The 2018 HVAC project also included a new furnace and air conditioning system for the second floor.
2017 Project - Kitchen Ventilation, Concrete, Staff Areas
The kitchen ventilation was improved in 2017. The Penn has always made its popcorn on-site and the ventilation has never been ideal. The new system does a better job of bringing fresh air into the building and filling downtown Plymouth with the aroma of fresh popcorn.
We replaced the concrete walkway on the side and rear of the Penn. The city of Plymouth had a project to replace the concrete in the Gathering and the some of the surrounding areas and it was a good opportunity for us to replace some deteriorated concrete and take advantage of the city's pricing.
In 2017 we also renovated the office and staff restroom, both of which had been negelected as we focused our attention on the renovation of the public spaces.
Finally, in we found it necessary to make some repairs and upgrades to the marquee this year. We had been experiencing some issues with flickering neon and overheating ballasts. The solution was to replace a few neon transformers and convert all of the fluorescent tubes to LED tubes. This fixed our flickering issues and will reduce our energy usage.
2016 Project - Brickwork and Building Security
In 2016, work continued with less visible but definitely necessary projects.
Our chimney was deteriorating and bricks were falling onto the roofs of the Penn and Jimmy Johns. We worked with Re-Brick Restoration to remove and replace the chimney to maintain the proper look and prevent any roof damage.
Our other peoject in 2016 was to upgrade our system of security cameras. We installed a system in 2009 when the new marquee was completed (the previous marquee had been damaged by delivery trucks but we had no way of knowing who caused the damage.) In 2016, we upgraded to high-resolution cameras and added a few new ones to keep an eye on other parts of the building.
2015 Project - Exterior Improvements
Who knew that marble could bend? In 2015, we worked with Booms Stone in Redford to replace the marble near the front entry because it was sagging under its own weight. At the same time, we replaced the poster cases so they could be properly caulked and sealed along with the entire facade to prevent water damage. While we were focused on preventing water damage, we also worked with Daniels Glass in Detroit to replace the rear entry doors and second floor windows.
2014 Project - Restroom Updates
In 2014, we made some much-needed updates to the restrooms. They were last renovated in the late 1960s in a style consistent with that period. With this renovation, we also took the opportunity to return to a style more consistent with the 1940s. Everything was replaced (floors, walls, ceilings, fixtures, lights, and divider walls).
2013 Project - Air Conditioning
In 2013, Friends of the Penn made significant improvements to the heating and cooling system in the auditorium. Since 1941, the Penn has been cooled by a well-water-based system. The system has been very reliable, but our movie attendance has been so good that it can no longer keep up with the crowds. The new cooling system is a hybrid of old and new technology. We kept the original well-water-based system (because it is very energy efficient) and added a refrigerant-based system to provide supplementary cooling when needed. At the same time, we replaced much of the original ductwork to eliminate leaks and improve efficiency.
2012 Project - Digital Projection
In 2012, the Penn made the conversion to digital projection (like the rest of the motion picture industry.) We still have our original 35mm projectors for classic films, but our normal weekend movies are now shown exclusively in digital format.
2011 Project - Auditorium
The auditorium renovation has been our most ambitious project to-date. The Penn was closed for three weeks while crews worked around the clock to transform the auditorium with new seating, flooring, carpet, drapery, movie screen, paint, surround speakers, aisle lights, and staging. The pictures below illustrate the dramatic change.
We celebrated our re-opening by inviting the auditorium donors to a special showing of "Mr. Blandings Builds his Dreamhouse" starring Cary Grant and Myrna Loy.
2010 Project - Entry Doors and Murals
Our 2010 renovation projects are complete. On your next visit to the Penn, you'll notice the new front doors. In addition to being reminiscent of the originals, they're more energy efficient and actually open and close properly. The work was completed by Daniels Glass of Detroit.
Also this year, the murals on the side of the building went through an incredible transformation. They were brought back to life through the amazing talents of Plymouth artist Janisse Larsson.
2009 Project - Marquee
Completed Projects
Special thanks to all of the donors who, through their generosity, have made the following projects possible:
New Boiler (December, 2006)
Stage Lighting (August, 2007)
New Electrical Service (August, 2007)
New Concession Area & Popcorn Kitchen (December, 2007)
New Air Handler (February, 2008)
Roofing Replacement (September, 2008)
Exterior Painting (October, 2008)
New Marquee (June, 2009)
DTS - Digital Theatre Sound Upgrade (July, 2009)
Mural Transformation (September, 2010)
Front Entry Doors (October, 2010)
Complete Auditorium Renovation (July, 2011)
Digital Cinema Conversion (August, 2012)
Auditorium Air Conditioning Updates (July, 2013)
Restroom Renovation (June, 2014)
Marble Facade Repair and Caulking (September, 2015)
Rear Door and 2nd Floor Window Replacement (October, 2015)
Chimney Replacement (August, 2016)
New Security System (October, 2016)
Kitchen Ventilation (June, 2017)
Concrete Walkway Replacement (August, 2017)
Office and Staff Restroom Renovation (December, 2017)
Marquee Neon Repair and Upgrade (December, 2017)
New Lobby and Second Floor HVAC (October, 2018)
Electrical Updates and Emergency Exit Lighting (September, 2019)
Sump Pump and Back-up Pump Installation (March, 2020)
Rear Exit Handrails (October, 2020)
Replace Deteriorating Block on the Front Facade Wall (March, 2021)
Building Purchase (December, 2021)
Roof Repairs (February, 2022)
Auditorium Air Conditioning Controller Replacement (September, 2022)
Water Heater Replacement (November, 2022)
New Auditorium House Lighting (May, 2023)
Building Exterior Painting (September, 2023)
Digital Projector Server Replacement (December, 2023)